Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fair Addendum

Y'all may have seen Morgan's posts about the Champlain Valley Fair concerning the crazy critters and her unfortunate ride on the Zipper, but I just wanted to add to her contributions with some additional photo-journalism. Despite her sickening setback, I'd still love to take some more wicked rides with her in the future! Ok, here we go...

So here are the lovely ladies, Morgan & Genevieve, on their first ride up the zipper. Everything looked cool; in fact, they were even rocking their little container the whole while (at my request, which perhaps made the operator think that they were having too much fun!). That's them in the middle there, swinging the legs of the capsule out into the sky.

So here's a little closeup of the ladies' capsule, and, believe it or not, they were still rocking hard.

And they were still cool, even cruising over the top of the Zipper on their first long ride, over and over and over again.

But then the operator neglected to allow these fine ladies to exit the ride when everyone else got out. Instead, he sent them...

and AROUND again!

So, when this asshole finally decided to let these ladies off the ride, they were understandably jostled. Morgan couldn't even tackle her next brew in the beer garden. Instead, Moo & I retreated to the parking fields for a little, erm, "appetite enhancement" to try to cool her belly down. It might have worked for her a little bit, but it definitely fired my hunger up enough to get a big disc of fried dough (or an elephant ear, depending on which planet you're from! :-P ), complete with a solid smothering of authentic Vermont Maple Syrup.

Lastly, we finished the day off with some whacky animal gazing at the emu cage (such soft double-feathers!) and the mega-huge Bull (which cost $1 to see!). Moo, you remember his name? Black-something? I bet he remembers yours after such a cute & sexy smoochy face you made at him! :)